Whenever scientists create a method or theory, they must thoroughly look for errors in their plan. During the experimental process, there are numerous variables to consider, each increasing the margin for errors. Scientists must think about possible errors in their methods because they want to minimize risk factors, maintain their reputability, and ensure repeatable procedures.
Scientists must think about possible errors in their methods because they want to minimize their plans’ risk factors. Whenever a mistake comes into place it could cause collateral damage as there are many unknowns in the experimental process. For example, wrong chemicals could cause a major explosion or they could create an airborne toxin. The most crucial aspect, being the safety of all those involved in the experiments. Decisions need to be carefully made and analyzed to best protect the experimenters as they are the most valuable because they know how to fix the mistake. When they make a big mistake it affects the reputation as an effect.
Without careful integration to minimize errors against the safety of the laboratory environment, the reputability of such scientific organizations can be negatively affected.