R. (2020, May 17). 41 Super Easy Ways to Stop Air Pollution From Today. Retrieved December 13, 2020, from https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/41-super-easy-ways-to-stop-air-pollution.php
Reduce the frequency of vehicle use. When you can do so, carpool and rideshare and consider using public transportation instead of walking; that way, you do not add to all the air problems before adding your car to the mix. If you drive regularly, make sure that instead of wasting gas, you go smart. Drive within the speed limit, make sure that your car does not have much stuff that will weigh it down, and do everything you can to conserve the amount of gas you will use regularly. Purchase cars and other items that are beneficial to the environment. You now have so many gas-efficient or hybrid options, so you do not have to worry about putting extra gas and pollution into the atmosphere. Go energy-efficient if you can, if you are looking for a new car. If possible, rather than purchasing fresh products, buy items made up of recycled materials. This will decrease the need for new raw materials to be purchased to produce fresh products. Look for items with a recycling logo when you are on a shopping spree or are at least made of recyclable content.
This research contains details regarding what can be done about air pollution. It describes what are ways to help, and contains possible and efficient ways to help. This helps the reader see what the best choice of help is and lets them decide.