Lamb, S. (2019, March 02). How Does Carbon Dioxide Affect the Environment? Retrieved December 03, 2020, from
A naturally occurring greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. Others contain water vapor, nitrous oxide and methane. By absorbing the energy of the sun and by redirecting energy out to the surface of the Planet, these gases help keep the Earth warm. A rise in the amount of carbon dioxide produces an overabundance of extra heat trapping greenhouse gases. This trapped heat, which causes flooding, contributes to melting ice caps and increasing ocean levels. Plants, in a process called carbon sequestration, extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide then produced by the plant is deposited in biomass. The amount released is less than the amount absorbed by the plant in most instances. Depending on the activities on these fields, farms, grasslands and forests are called carbon dioxide sources or sinks. For instance, cows emit methane, but grass sequesters the gas on the farm. For the survival of animals, carbon dioxide is necessary. During respiration, oxygen is transferred to body tissue and carbon dioxide is released. The gas maintains the blood’s pH level. Too much carbon dioxide can, however, destroy animals. When carbon dioxide is low, the amount of oxygen leaving the body may be decreased. Kidney failure or coma may result from any increase or decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide leaving the body.
The following research contains details regarding the 3 biggest categories of the Earth’s environment. It describes what those 3 categories are, as well as it contains the possible and potential positive and negative effects of abnormal levels of Carbon Dioxide.