The Last Kids on Earth is an illustrated children’s novel by Max Brallier. It takes place in a post-apocalyptic suburbia, where a squad of middle schoolers live in a society without rules, playing videos, and behaving raucously while fending off scourges of zombies and other strange creatures. The protagonist is a normal thirteen-year-old foster kid named Jack Sullivan who lives in a tree house. A caricature of a hedonistic teenager, he equips his home base with catapults and a moat, using it to stockpile Oreos, Mountain Dew, and other junk food that he scavenges from the neighborhood stores. Despite his relative safety, Jack knows he is unable to defeat the zombies on his own, and teams up with his local friends to assert their control over the neighborhood. Their further adventures are catalogued in the following books in the eponymously named series, The Last Kids on Earth.