Albert Einstein has one of the greatest minds out there. With this, he is one of the most famous and respected scientists out there. But, there are many things to doubt. For example, his quote, Scientist Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” I disagree with this statement. I believe knowledge is just as important as imagination because they both need the other to exist, and imagination needs the knowledge to come to life.
I believe knowledge is just as important as imagination because they both need the other to exist. If a person has absolutely no knowledge then they cannot have an imagination based on nothing. It is only knowledge of an idea that allows us to imagine something. For example if a toddler wanted to be an astronaut and imagined it they would have to know what an astronaut is. This shows that you need knowledge to have imagination. Without it you are a useless being in the world.
I disagree with this statement. I believe knowledge is just as important as imagination because imagination needs knowledge to come to life. If an educated person imagines something then they would need more knowledge to learn how to accomplish their imagination. Like a person who imagines to discover a new ocean animal or make a new animal, they would have to go on and study what degrees they would need to accomplish that task. They would also need to make the money to purchase the proper items to make the task possible.
I have disagreed with the quote and have stated my reasons. Knowledge is just as important as imagination because they both need the other to exist, and imagination needs the knowledge to come to life. We can disagree upon many things Albert Einstein had said or done. People should search for knowledge to live their imagination. Maybe then the world would be a better place.